i'm sooooo tired! and so cold!! hindi ako prepared...
1 day pa lang ako dito feeling ko tumaba na ako...
can i go home now? =)

we walked to piazza Venezia and saw the statue which was a tribute to Victor II...

then to Fontana de Trevi which we did not get to enjoy the first time we were there. we had merienda near the fountain, pizza again & gelatto! =) fell in-love with the fountain...

then to the Pantheon... then Piazza Navona where we ate a delicious pizza 10 years ago... then back to piazza Venezia, this time on the other side of it where we saw the municipal hall (which we mistook for the spanish steps).
AM: arrived at Rome 7AM. we just left our stuff at home then went to Palatine hill, where roman civilization started in the 10th century BC by the coming together of several villages. we heard of a very interesting vestal virign of the temple of Vesta. =)
Lunch: pizza! weird pizza.. like ham & cheese sandwich. ate at the sidewalk.
PM: Colloseo. i finally got to go inside! yey! i tried to imagine the place as it was centuries ago... people coming in to see the show. they brought food with them which they could re-heat in an oven, the ladies would bring make-up and combs, and some would sew with a bone needle while watching. the games were hard to imagine... they said that before, the arena had a moat around it to force the fighters and animals back into the center. but people would jump into the moat to save themselves. since nobody was dying, the young men went to Egypt and brought with them crocodiles from the Nile river. very very brutal times...
then it rained and we waited inside... i bought a book. =)
we walked to piazza Venezia and saw the statue which was a tribute to Victor II...
then to Fontana de Trevi which we did not get to enjoy the first time we were there. we had merienda near the fountain, pizza again & gelatto! =) fell in-love with the fountain...
then to the Pantheon... then Piazza Navona where we ate a delicious pizza 10 years ago... then back to piazza Venezia, this time on the other side of it where we saw the municipal hall (which we mistook for the spanish steps).
Dinner: went home to have dinner.. yummy penne pasta, beef steaks with gravy, salad, blue cheese, olives and cheese. =)